Welcome to my Projects section! This section showcases both completed and ongoing projects. It aims to give an overview of the work I have done and am currently doing. These projects span across different domains, including web development, data analysis, and software engineering. Each project provides details such as its purpose, technologies used, and outcomes achieved.
Creating a Netflix/Disney world clone which displays current movie and TV just to apply my knowledge on working with the fetch API

Technologies used: Vanilla JS, Swipper Library, and MovieAPI (IMdb).
Status: completed
Live Demo Github
Spring e-Commerce
An ecommerce website built Spring Boot, React and PostgreSQL. The website has a user authentication system, produc and order management system.

Technologies used:Spring Boot, React, PostgreSQL, Hibernate, h2 database
Status: completed
React Code Spring Code
Easify Management
Creating a project management tool like Jira and Trello with inbuilt chat functuality,
but much more simplified.

Technologies used:ReactJS, Tailwing CSS, MySQL
Status: In Progress
Live Demo Github
Data Mining & Analytics using Python
The data is about accidents that have happened in a given LSOA (Lower Super Output Areas) - Harringey from 2005 - 2010. The accidents shows the level of severity, vehicles involved, the number of casualties involved, type of road on which the accidents occurred and data and time at which the accident occured.

Technologies used: Python, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Jupyter Notebook.
Status: completed
Live Demo
Share Ideas & Quotes
This is a dynamic and user-friendly web application designed to foster creativity, inspiration, and motivation among its users.
This app serves as a vibrant hub where individuals can freely share their innovative ideas and favorite quotes for others to see,
commentes will soon be added to create an engaging and motivating community.

Technologies used: ReactJS, NodeJS, Webpack and MongoDB.
Status: Completed
Live Demo Github
Green Drive Web Application
This is a full-stack web application designed to streamline the process of converting vehicles to hybrid electric power. With a community for discussion,news feed for updates in the world of vehicles, cost tracker, guides on how to manage your vehicle, charging stations locator, amongst other cool features.

Technologies used: Vanilla JavaScript, NodeJS, Bootstrap, and MongoDB.
Status: Failed - lessons Learnt!
Live Demo Github
A Item List App
A vanilla JavaScript (JS) project built primarily to understand JS thoroughly before moving to frameworks like react & angular.

Technologies used: Vanilla JavaScript, CSS, Webpack, Swiper JS..
Status: completed
Live Demo Github
Database Handling
I designed and implemented a secure and efficient database for
LSBu Auto Shop. The database includes tables for customers, suppliers, and vehicle parts, and was
optimized for easy querying. The database ensures data integrity and confidentiality, providing a solid
foundation for the business's data management needs.

Technologies used: MSSQL and Tableau.